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An island on the other side of a river. Everything seems dark, except for a lonely light.

We’re all defined by play. By the things we like to do to distract ourselves, the masks we use every day, and the identities we try to embody. Day to day, our existence is in equal parts a participation, a performance, and an imposition on ourselves.

At that absurd intersection, between what we are, what we show, and what is asked of us, that the everyday you is born. We could say that “the game” starts and ends when you have a gamepad at hand, but is that really true?

What’s the value of a video game? What’s the sense of having fun? When we let ourselves lose and just enjoy entertainment and art, what’s that we value most? Do the things we consume have meaning? Do they say something about us?

This site is my exploration of all those things, and also a bit of news commenting and general introspection sharing. I hope it becomes interesting and valuable to you.

If it is, be sure to follow us and get the new writings as soon as they’re published!

If at any time my ramblings seem useful to you, please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi. See you later!

ah, and here are other socials, if you need them

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My personal space for writing, essays, and analysis. I believe in the power of getting to know people and philosophy through play, performance, and our mundane ways of entertaining ourselves.
